I'm now four days (or a third of the way) into my "12 Days of Giving" and it has felt
different to be so aware of our giving. It's been eye opening because I do more giving than I imagined, in mostly small ways that add up...although we all want to affect real change in the world, small acts of kindness and generosity by many can lead to that change...and giving should start at home.
Which brings me to today's giving which was all about our family. We made a commitment to formally adopt our "foster" kitty Maxine who we brought home with our six-toed wonder, Roxie...we knew all along we weren't going to be able to separate the two, let alone send Maxie back to PetSmart. We are giving this formerly homeless, spunky, loving (albeit stinky) kitty a loving home.
Then tonight, my chef-husband gave of his talent by patiently teaching Lucas how to make PIZZA! It was a simple, but memorable family night and both Tom and Lucas were having a blast...my seat from the counter stool with wine glass in hand made me a happy spectator.