Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sicky Bean

Poor little bean...he was in the ER last Sunday and had a repeat performance this past Sunday for the same thing -- croop. He gets this horrible sounding "bark" like a seal and has trouble breathing...it's really hard to watch. Once he gets to the hospital, he's treated with a shot of epinephrine and an albuterol nebulizer and he's good to go (after a few hours of observation). In the past week, Lucas was at the pediatrician twice and yesterday ALSO was diagnosed with strep throat...ugh! Note to those with small kids: the pediatrician told us the steroids he is administered for the croop lower his immune system and make him more prone to strep and other infections. Tom and I (with great help from my sister) have been in and out of work over the last week plus -- Lucas has been on antibiotics since yesterday so hopefully he'll be ready to get back to his routine (school) on Thursday. Oh, I almost forgot...Tom, Lucas, and I all had a stomach virus last week too...Never a dull moment, I tell ya...


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Poor baby! I hope he feels better soon!

Ana said...

Oh, poor thing! I hope the Bean feels better - and also, you and Tom.